Tuesday, July 24, 2018

TRUAMA trauma Trauma TraUmA.

This happens to all of us to varying degrees and in different areas and relationships in our lives. We all respond to these differently and most of us need help to work through what we experienced in times of trauma.  Some of this help comes from time it self, some from significant people in our lives. But for some this is a long process that requires professional help. This does not mean they are broken or somehow less than those who do not need this help. what is means is that we all have different strengths and weakness in how we were raised, the resources we had available to us, the number of exposures we had to adverse experiences, and we all have different temperaments.

One aspects that get overlooked is our ability to regulate our selves (to keep or return ourselves to a calm state).

This might be the music we listen to, exercises, yoga, singing, dancing, and playing videogames. However, this also includes drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex (include masturbation), or aggressive acts. We all use crutches to get through life. But why is that a bad thing!  When you have a broken leg, insisting that you can walk just fine without any help would make most people think you were an idiot. But it we have a mental health issue then we are weak or worse dangerous. we live in a society that makes fun of violence and glorifies it in our entertainment and humor. Then we wonder why people in America do more violent things than other people from other countries.  Duh! regardless of your stance on guns, abortions, or politics. We have a violence problem in America and we keep allowing ourselves to get distracted in the minutia instead of dealing with the more pervasive issue at hand. Why we can't just be nicer to each other!!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Today is the start of a journey.

The fruitfulness of this endeavor remains to be seen.  I hope you will join me as we venture into the spaces between the minuscule to the infinite, the conscious to the unconscious, the real to the perceived. This blog will discuss some current issues, music, videos, articles, books, and anything else that sparks some themes or ideas to publish here. The schedule of these posts will be based on my experiences in daily life that lead me to  pondering. So...check back often.

To set a tone for this blog, I will end this initial post with a song and lyric video. Enjoy!

Tiefenpsychologie (German) or Depth Psychology "approaches to therapy that are open to the exploration of the subtle, unconscious, and transpersonal aspects of human experience. A depth approach may include therapeutic traditions that explores the unconscious and involves the study and exploration of dreams, complexes, and archetypes. Depth psychology is non-pathologizing and strength affirming." (The C.G. Jung Center)